Thanks for visiting my blog. Take a look around. I've added a few of my photos and comments about them. I hope you'll feel free to comment too.
I wouldn't say I was a 'good' photographer, because basically I'm too lazy to pay my dues, i.e. I wouldn't be up at 4 am to drive 50 miles to catch the sunrise on the beach or I wouldn't painstakingly edit a photo for six hours trying to exact every ounce of quality out of it.
I would say I'm more of a 'wing and a prayer' photographer, who values originality, ideas and the 'ah-ah' moments. That's not to say I'm right and others are wrong. I'm just saying we all want something different from this medium and whereas I can certainly appreciate others passion and dedication, my approach fulfills my need. I hope you like at least some of what I'm doing too.
Some of the images are planned but many are spontaneous, seen in passing. What I'm hoping to produce is a celebration of the unexpected. The views expressed on my blog are purely that - views. So if you are offended or feel outraged, I apologise but I do not apologise for having a viewpoint.